Does this look familiar?
Hemming and hawing, stumbling, being unsure…not knowing where to turn, or even where to start…
You might consider deciding where to choose from. When you commit to your come-from, other choices can become marvelously easy. Once you commit to HOW you want to live, other choices become second-nature.
The principle at Level 5 of the Wright Developmental Model is the principle of commitment. Dr. Judith Wright wrote a whole book about it! Please enjoy a brief excerpt from The One Decision: Make the Single Choice that Will Lead to a Life of MORE.
The One Decision is a personal commitment about how you are going to live your life. It is not a small step or a nice idea or a good decision. It is the One Decision you can make that will completely change your life. It is a compelling dedication to a way of being, a quality of life, or a higher principle or higher power. It is a decision so powerful that it becomes a touchstone you orient to when making every other decision. It is a personal commitment and is different for everyone. For one person, their One Decision might be, “I stand for truth.” For another person it might be, “I choose to live as if every moment matters.” For still another it might be, “My One Decision is to be a vessel for Spirit.” The words a person chooses do not really matter. It is a commitment you make in your heart, not in your head. The words aren’t as important as the feeling that you have inside yourself.
Making a One Decision and choosing a life of MORE is a definitive act, one that will separate your life into the time before and the time after. Like a sacred vow, your One Decision is not to be made, or taken, lightly. It is, after all, the One Decision that commits you to a way of living that leads you to MORE. It fuels the fire in your belly and feeds the flames that drive you to pursue MORE. It awakens you to the deep yearnings you have for something greater. The One Decision leads you to be the very best you can possibly be, to live the life that you came here to live, to have the sense that your life counts, and to show you that you matter.
Judith’s Story
Before I made my One Decision, my life was filled with exceptional achievements, but not the greater MORE. My life felt unfulfilled, distracted, and empty.
It was from a point of desperation that I made my One Decision. I decided that I was not willing to live my life dissatisfied, sleepwalking, and unfulfilled. I made a decision: I am going to feel my life. I am going to be awake and conscious and surrender myself to Spirit.
I started to orient my life differently.
I now have a touchstone to guide each decision that I make. I can focus much more easily on what matters to me and design my life to meet my deeper desires. It is easy for me to rule out activities, including spending time with some people that are not in alignment with my One Decision. I don’t have to go into an endless internal debate. I know which activities, thoughts, and situations serve my One Decision and which ones don’t. I am more satisfied, my life has depth and intimacy, and I feel my life more fully. I make more contributions, and I have more creativity—more than I ever knew existed.
How to make YOUR One Decision:
- Try one on. Think of it like a store with a dressing room, or a buffet. Pick something that sounds delicious to you right now and then try committing to living from that lens for some time—an hour, a day, a week. See what happens
- If one isn’t serving you right now, try another. Just because it’s One Decision doesn’t mean you can’t make it again. Refreshing your wardrobe or seasonally changing your menu is totally appropriate.
- When you realize you haven’t been living from your One Decision, recommit. Re-committing is part of the game. Nobody “nails” being totally conscious all the time—which is to say, we all go unconscious sometimes. The trick is, when you realize it, not to beat yourself up, but to recommit.
LiveWright and Live with Commitment,
Dr. Bob & Dr. Judith