The Why & How of LiveWright
What We Do

Becoming our best selves has driven both of us from our early lives, though our approaches and strategies have been dramatically different: Judith the exquisite perfectionist student dedicated to service from her youngest years, and Bob the free-wheeling student of life marching to his own drummer.

Judith came to question conventional wisdom from early on and Bob kept looking for what he called the ultimate truth. Independently, we each came to study HOW people became their best, most conscious selves, and lived loving fulfilling lives. Putting our two approaches together led to the study of what we have come to call human emergence technologies:

01 The Wright Model of Human Development

A map to guide your journey into yourself, supporting you to harvest the best of life so you can give your best.

02 Evolating

A model of the inner dynamics of transformation and living outstandingly in all life areas shows why what we want often leads us astray until we learn to be guided by our deeper yearning.

Why We Do It

We believe it is each of our responsibilities to learn, grow, and serve to contribute as you can where you are. We become leaders guiding ourselves and others to the possible. We move beyond routine, toward visionary contributions.

What We Believe

Each of us is an emerging being and a unique gift to the planet. Our job is to support you in becoming that gift and making your unique contributions consonant with your mission.

How We Do It

Our approach combines research with practical applications, focusing on personal coaching, training, and consulting for you to develop into the best, most authentic self only you can be.

To that end, we coach, train, and partner with individuals to facilitate their development, even when doing organizational consulting. It is the individual development that is our aim.

Pillars of Our Approach
Transcendental Principles

Our work is guided by and directed toward principles of Forgiveness, Compassion, Grace, and Love.

Transformational Principles

These principles focus on: