Want to welcome more LOVE into your life today, Valentine’s Day, and every day?
Love is more available than you realize. In fact, Love is everywhere, if we know how to tap into it.
Too often, we think that love means having a significant other and that our relationship is supposed to be full of romance (no fighting!), meeting all our needs (impossible), and always making us happy (what do we do with all our other emotions?)
This can feel especially true on Valentine’s Day.
But here’s the real truth: Positive psychologist, Barbara Fredrickson, describes love as “a micro-moment of shared positive resonance.” In other words, human connection. And we all know what that feels like, Right?
Romantic, friendship, parental, or professional, it’s human connection that helps us feel more love. It could be a shared smile at the antics of a young child on the bus with a perfect stranger, a momentary celebration with a colleague at work, a moment of eye contact with your partner across the dinner table… the list is endless.
But, what about the moments that aren’t full of “shared positive resonance” and you feel as far away from your partner/boss/friend/family member as if you are living on another planet or you feel distant, unloving, unloved, hurt, or mad as heck? How do we find the connection in those moments? Believe it or not, those tense moments–whether angry fights, indignant stomping and door slamming, eye-rolling, yelling, name-calling, hurt feelings, or the silent treatment–can become some of the moments that can actually bring you even closer, if you learn the rules of engagement.
We all long to love and be loved, but what does it take to have MORE love in our lives? How do we create more moments of “positive resonance”? How do we navigate the moments of disconnect and fighting? How do we deepen intimacy in ALL of our relationships? How do we get along better with everyone we interact with? How can we fight productively?
By following the Rules of Engagement, outlined in our book The Heart of the Fight. We’ll post more in coming posts. In the meantime, LiveWright and Live Well!