Meet Bob

Vision holder, solution generator, coach, cheerleader, challenger.
These roles define how I support my clients—and how I will support you—to live authentically and create a life you truly love.
Nothing else is as important to me.

Bob Wright shows you what happens when the hard light of uncommon sense shines on every part of life. 

 He has coached CEOs across the country, from leading name public companies to entrepreneurial startups.
An internationally recognized visionary, educator, program developer, author, sepaker, entrepreneur, and consultant, Crain’s Chicago Business recognized him as a “Top executive coach.”

He has coached CEOs across the country, from leading name public companies to entrepreneurial startups.

The Strategic Secret:

Dr. Bob's unique ability to strategize others’ development is rooted in harmonizing profound spiritual insights with actionable, psychological, and relational frameworks.
This balance allows Dr. Bob to inspire people not only to see their potential but to act toward it authentically and sustainably, all while creating lives of increasing meaning, connection, and joy.
By bringing awareness to the unconscious and guiding them toward conscious choice and responsibility, Dr. Bob helps others unlock their innate capacity for growth, ensuring their transformation radiates through every aspect of their lives.

Dr. Wright’s revolutionary Integrative Model of Human Growth and Development provides a much-needed practical application of theory into everyday life, helping hundreds of thousands of individuals to understand themselves, strategize, and take action to reach their potential. Called “the most powerful comprehensive model of its kind,” this model forms the core curriculum at the Wright Foundation. His revolutionary personal and professional training and development method­ology leads not only to significant professional success but also to fulfillment in all life areas. 

With demonstrated success in a wide variety of areas, Dr. Wright is a bestselling author delivering what author Andrew Harvey calls his “hard light.” He co-authored the bestselling award-winning The Heart of the Fight, A Couple’s Guide to Fifteen Common Fights, What They Really Mean and How They Can Bring You Closer. His other books address people skills, living purposefully, lifelong learning, and adult transformation.

Dr. Wright has demonstrated success in a wide variety of areas. He is a bestselling author delivering what author Andrew Harvey calls his “hard light.” He co-authored the bestselling award-winning The Heart of the Fight, A Couples’ Guide to Fifteen Common Fights, What They Really Mean and How They Can Bring You Closer. His other books address people skills, living purposefully, lifelong learning, and adult transformation.

Considered a leading thinker in human development, Dr. Bob Wright is the past CEO and co-founder of the Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people bring out their best and energize their lives. He is also co-founder and retired Professor of Transformational Leadership at the Wright Graduate University. An internationally recognized visionary, educator, program developer, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and consultant, Crain’s Chicago Business recognized him as a top executive coach.

His nationally acclaimed employee assistance and managed mental health firm, Human Effectiveness, Inc., was rated tops in the nation by Mercer Meidinger Medical Audit as well as Arthur Andersen.

Dr. Wright has completed a BA in Sociology, an MA in Communications, an MSW in Clinical Social Work, and a Doctorate in Education, Leadership, and Change.

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My Journey

My life is an adventure of living my higher purpose.

I support people in all areas of life to live their “how”  and take increasing responsibility to love and lead themselves, their families, and their businesses and associations

Leadership is a crucial aspect of our lives because we all want to be effective—we all want to have a positive influence on those around us. Authentic leadership means living in the here and now.

Every human being has the potential to lve this way. And every time we do, we contribute to a world that works for everyone. This is what I strive for every day—with every action, every thought, every training, every client.

What drives me:

I love empowering people to stretch into new ways of being.

I see every part of our lives as a playing field to explore and evolve. We don’t have to waste even one moment.

That’s why the heart of my work is supporting clients to evolve their whole selves, not just one area. That’s living in the now, everywhere all the time.

We generally focus on improving one area of our lives: business, parenting, relationships, finances, or spiritual development. There is nothing wrong with this. I’ve just met too many people in my career who are thriving in one area and living less fulfilled in other parts of their lives.

When we wake up to our whole selves and our potential, new possibilities happen.
Embrace your MORE!

Bob's Books

“The man plays hard and showed up when we needed it most. He leads by example and lives his purpose.”
Mitch Platt
“I hired Bob as my business coach. He is by far the best in his field. My business has grown from 500K to a multimillion-dollar company.”
Eleanor Williams
“Bob is a phenomenal coach, therapist, trainer, writer, and guide to help folks fulfill their potential. He is a remarkable man, seemingly indefatigable, and he passionately cares about changing the world for the better.”
David Banner
"Top executive coach."
Crain's Chicago Business
“Dr. Bob Wright is an extraordinary thought leader, empowering others to achieve beyond their expectations. He’s a mentor, a teacher, a coach, and a visionary—all without peer.”
Michelle Lanter Smith
“I left our conversation both enlightened and empowered about the possibilities. In a few short moments, you could identify and hone in on situations and circumstances that I either had not recognized or subconsciously chosen to ignore.”