Want to welcome possible into your life? Could it be as simple as “Just ask for it.”
How often do you fail to say what you want?
It certainly can be easier said than done, we know—until you start practicing asking!
Think about all the stinking thinking you may have about asking for what you need or want.
I don’t want people to think I’m needy/greedy/incapable/pushy…
I don’t need anything from anyone…
It’s weak to ask for help…
What if they say, No?…
I don’t deserve it…
I need to do/get that myself…
You can’t depend on others–you have to do things for yourself…
None of these stinking thoughts are true!
You deserve support, help, and people giving to you. You’ll be surprised at how much others will contribute to you–if you only ask.
Knowing what you want–and asking for it– are crucial life skills. You can get what you want when you want it—if you only ASK. Here are some tips for you to practice:
- Practice noticing what you like to help you know what you want and what to ask for. If you see something you’re attracted to or that makes you feel good, say it out loud:
I like what you’re wearing…
I like what she said…
I like the color red.”
No like is too small or unimportant.
As you continue to declare your preferences, you’ll start to get a clearer picture of them. From there, you can begin to ASK for what you want and like. - It’s equally important to know what you DON’T like.If you see, feel, or taste something that doesn’t feel right to you, say it aloud.
I don’t like when you use your phone at the dinner table…
I don’t like when you leave your wet towel on the bed…
I don’t like when you forget to text me back.”…
Say it responsibly, of course. The point is not just to judge or criticize another but to consciously express your dislikes clearly and directly and then ASK for something different:
Please put your phone down at the table…
Put your wet towels in the laundry bin…
Acknowledge my texts… - Just Ask!You can start by asking for simple things :
Hold the door for me…
Do you have the time?…
Can I borrow your pen?
But then ask for big things, silly things, little things, personal things. Ask for a hug. A free refill. A raise. Ask someone out on a date. Ask your kids to clean their rooms. An extension on your proposal. To change a deadline. To go to dinner where you want, or the movie you want to see… Have fun asking and see how the universe responds!
Chances are you’ll be surprised by how much others want to give to you and support you. Sure, you might have some rejections or puzzled looks, but experience tells us that you’ll discover much more abundance than you were aware of if you just ASK.
There is much more nourishment out there for you. The world is more abundant and friendlier than you know. One of the greatest joys in life is to help another.
What’s not to like about that?
Take on asking for things this week. Let us know how many positive responses you receive!
LiveWright, be well, and ask!